For Consumer’s Sake

skills: creative direction, creative research, design, design strategy, content writing, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, After Effects

media: books, video, data visualization, posters

For Consumer’s Sake hones in on current social dynamics, providing solutions and ways to focus on the essential, encouraging conscious consumption.

Consumerism is examined in the micro and macro through three critical lenses: social media (digital), materialism (physical), and philosophy (psychological).

project roles: art director, artist, designer, photographer, copywriter

designed, constructed, and written in collaboration with Ayah Elgendy


Medium 1: Library

Social media is presented as a library,
demonstrating digital platforms’ information
distribution techniques. As a contradiction,
the library is presented in a tangible form,
a series of three handmade books that begs
the reader to be more conscious about
their content intake.

Crazy Times Call For Crazy Data

stastics on social media during times of crisis 

Designers & Consumerism

approach to reduce visual clutter as designers

Social Identity 

participatory book that focuses on
social media as an identity influencer 

Medium 2: Video

Philosophy is illustrated through motion,
targeting the internal war that is present in
a person’s mind daily, and provides solutions
when it comes to simplifying the intake
of information.

︎︎︎ click here to watch the video 

Medium 3: Posters

Materialism is depicted through a poster
series that replicates the social and moral
responsibility (macro), recycling (micro),
and the empowerment through decision
making (middle) within consumerism.

Social and Moral Responsibility 
Decision Making